A book giveaway contest for “Rekindling the Waters: The Truth About Swimming with Dolphins” by Leah Lemieux; The Realities About the Animals at the PNE; and a feature interview with Leah Lemieux, dolphin advocate, on dolphins and the captive dolphin industry.
Sarah Kramer of the new storefront Sarah’s Place, Tara & Robin share their Transition Stories
Guest contributors Tara-Lee Gardiner and Robin Pickel share with us their paths from meat eating to vegan, including their reasons, inspirations, and resources they turned to. Vegan cookbook superstar and new proprietress of the vegan curio shop in Victoria, BC aptly named Sarah’s Place, Sarah Kramer joins us to tell talk shop, cookbooks, growing pains, and new ventures!
Wendy Huntbatch, World Parrot Refuge; & Denise Swanson, vegan food activism via cooking classes
Vegan News Magazine Editor-In-Chief Sonia Lemoine, and Kelly Peloza, author of The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur
Sonia Lemoine of Vegan News Magazine tells us all about the premiere issue and the team’s plans for the future, and Kelly Peloza talks cookies, drinks, blogging, and more!
International Day of Action for South Korean Dogs and Cats; & Travel Tips and Recommendations for Compassionate Eating: Los Angeles (Part Deux)
Keith McHenry, Food Not Bombs
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