Voting in our provincial election next week with the animals in mind; the upcoming “Why Love One But Eat The Other?” transit campaign in Vancouver; A Mother’s Love: The Bond Between Mother Cow and Baby Calf; and a feature interview with Kim Sturla of Animal Place for International Respect for Chickens Month.
Our Freestyle Show: Respect the chickens, Vegan Story, Questions-Answers, and Kindness
Cow Ribbons, Webcams in Slaughterhouses, and Animal Documentary Reviews
Here’s this week’s show: [display_podcast] To start the show, we’ll be discussing the idea of having mandatory webcams in slaughterhouses that anyone can have access to, to enable the consumer full transparency when it comes to seeing how our food…
The Earth Day Show: Eleanor Boyle, The Environmental Impacts of Our Industrial Meat Production System; & Isha Datar, Advancing Technology in Cell Cultured Meat
Turtle Valley Donkey Refuge in BC… and Eating Vegan in Vegas!
Dr. Clifton Flynn, Understanding Animal Abuse; & Sara Dubois, Helping Injured Wildlife
Our experiences with injured wildlife, co-existing with wildlife in our environments; an interview with the BCSPCA’s Sara Dubois on Helping Injured Wildlife; and a feature interview with Dr. Clifton Flynn on Understanding Animal Abuse.