Tuttle and Turtles: an interview with author of “The World Peace Diet”: Dr. Will Tuttle; Stop Sea Turtle Farming Campaign: Interview with Elizabeth Hogan from WSPA; Vegan Weddings and a book review of “Gorilla Food: Living and Eating Vegan, Organic and Raw”.
Animal Rights is a Laughing Matter: Featuring Myq Kaplan and Zach Sherwin, and a review of Betty Goes Vegan
Vegan comedians Myq Kaplan and Zach Sherwin help to co-host the show after a review of Betty Goes Vegan.
Rabbitats Rabbit Rescue, Vegan Pride, and Bryant Terry’s The Inspired Vegan
Listen to our show from Friday, August 9th here! [display_podcast] We kick off this show by sharing a bit about intersections of oppression via the experience of the Animal Voices hosts who were at Vancouver’s Pride parade! Check out…
Show for the Pigs: Sayara Thurston, Humane Society International, on phasing out gestation crates in Canada; & Karen Bowman, Toronto Pig Save
Alive from New York: Victoria Moran of Main Street Vegan and Nancy Kogel of ROAR
Jenni returns from her 3 months in New York City! Featuring interviews with Victoria Moran of Main Street Vegan and Nancy Kogel of Reaching Out For Animal Rights.
The Animal Rights Conference and Vegetarian Summerfest Reports Show
The Animal Rights Conference and Vegetarian Summerfest Reports Show: featuring reviews of both conferences; and clips from the debate “What About Abolition and Welfare?” between Gary Francione and Bruce Friedrich; “Are Humans Designed to Eat Meat?” by Dr. Milton Mills; “The Interconnectedness of Life” by Harold Brown; and “Moving Beyond the Rhetoric of Apology of Animal Rights to Affirmative Activism” by Karen Davis.