Interviews with Sandra McPeake of Veg Fest Vancouver, Jamey Scott of the Texas Veggie Fair, and Peter McQueen of Toronto’s Veg Food Fest.
Are you killing fish when you clean your face? Banning the Microbead and tips for plastic-free living.
Interviews with Maria Westerbos from the Plastic Soup Foundation about their international campaign to Beat the Microbead, and local activist Danielle Hoogenboom of Plastic-Free Yogi.
What Animals Can Teach Us About the Origins of Good and Evil, and Banning the Rodeo in BC
A Show For Our Animal Companions
Top 5 Vegan Eatery Picks of NYC; an interview with Dr. Armaiti May on vegan cats and dogs, and an interview with Lisa Hutcheon of the Small Rescue Animal Society.
Will Potter: Activism is Not Terrorism
In light of the undercover investigation at the dairy facility in Chilliwack, and the announcement that Enbridge’s Northern Gateway has been approved, we thought it would be a good time to check in with acclaimed independent journalist, Will Potter (Green Is The New Red). We talk “eco-terrorism”, activist repression, ag-gag, drones, movement building, and more!