World Vegan Day is November 1st! We feature an interview with Mike Lanigan, a former cattle farmer who changed his heart to save the animals, plus we talk about the Social Challenges to Going Vegan and offer advice on how to overcome them. Also, Tips for Keeping Animals Safe at Hallowe’en.
Exposing the Cruelty of Canada Goose Jackets and Canada’s Inadequate Animal Welfare Laws
Trophy Hunting Across the Globe: Justice for BC Grizzlies, and “Blood Lions” in South Africa
Anita Krajnc Justifies Giving Water to Pigs, Exposes the Meat Industry
Bearing witness as an effective form of activism, and strengthening your conversations on veganism to help animals. Interviews with Toronto Pig Save’s Mary-Chris Staples and Anita Kranjc on this week’s horrific tragedy of a truck of pigs overturning on the road, and Anita’s court trial for feeding water to thirsty pigs enroute to slaughter.