School Days Series #4: Looking for Solutions to Creating a Compassionate Educational Experience

This is the 4th and final show of our School Days series. (You can find the other 3 shows in the series here) This last show continues to explore how we can create a more compassionate and cruelty-free educational environment.
The show features interviews with Early Childhood Educator, Mallory Boult; National Programs Director of Factory Farming Awareness Coalition, Monica Chen and grade 8 student Soleilla Denomme.

Vegan Rapper Z-Man on His Forthcoming Animal-Rights-Themed Album

Featuring an interview with San Francisco-based underground rapper Z-Man, who has an album in the works on human exploitation of nonhuman animals, plus an update from Bryce Casavant of Pacific Wild on the proposed escalation of the wolf cull in BC, and a discussion on the many animals exploited by the military-industrial complex.