For our feature interview, we welcome Dr. Sailesh Rao, an environmental scientist who believes that the world is capable of overcoming climate change – but only if everyone adopts a plant-based diet by the year 2026. Also, Annelise Sorg, the co-founder and President of No Whales in Captivity, discusses the history of Vancouver Aquarium’s exploitative conduct towards the animals and a call for no $9.5 million bailout from the government during pandemic times.
Author Christopher Locke on Teaching Compassion for Nonhuman Animals Through Storytelling, and World Day for Laboratory Animals with Dr. Charu Chandrasekera on Alternatives to Animal Testing
Earth Day 2020 Show: Understanding Zoonotic Diseases and the Spread of COVID-19 and Pandemics, with Dr. Aysha Akhtar
Being Food Resourceful During Pandemic Times: Growing Your Own Produce, and Vegan Pantry Cooking with Brigitte Gemme
Sustaining ourselves with food during pandemic times: A feature interview with vegan food consultant Brigitte Gemme, of Vegan Family Kitchen, on best practises for pantry cooking. Plus, guest co-host Grace Wampold presents a segment on being resourceful in growing your own food, even if you don’t have garden space!