Category: Podcasts

Josh Hooten, Let Live AR Conference & Claudia Li, Shark Truth campaign

In this episode we discuss what you can do to help the animals affected by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and Proctor & Gamble’s animal testing for their products, as well as put out a call for guest co-hosts for the show. Then, an interview with Josh Hooten of the Let Live Foundation about the upcoming Let Live Animal Rights Conference in Portland, Oregon in June. And for our feature interview, we speak with Claudia Li of the organization Shark Truth, to talk about their campaigns for educating the public to stop shark fin soup.

Will Tuttle and The World Peace Diet (part 2)

In this episode, I give a review of Vancouver’s newest vegan restaurant, The Loving Hut; Joanne talks about the Mother’s Day Cow Ribbon campaign; I present Travel Tips and Recommendations for Compassionate Eating in Seattle; and a 2nd interview with Dr. Will Tuttle of The World Peace Diet, who answers scrutinizing questions on if fish feel pain, Christianity’s views on the treatment of animals, why cow’s milk is toxic to humans, and more.

Dr. Faisal Moola, BC grizzly bear hunt & Michael Weber, Vegan Earth Day

In this episode, Alison interviewed Dr. Faisal Moola of the David Suzuki Foundation about the annual BC Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt, in which you’ll get to learn many details about the hunt that you probably didn’t know before. We also interview Michael Weber, Campaign Co-ordinator of FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement) about FARM’s upcoming Vegan Earth Day event and other yearly campaigns.

Will Tuttle, author of World Peace Diet (Part 1)

In this episode, Mariann Vergin joins us as a guest host. Alison gives a review of Peaceable Kingdom the Journey Home. Joanne spoke about a live chicken throwing stunt conducted by Dogwood Initiative. John talks about Tulane University and their use of pigs for trauma experiments. And finally, Alison interviews Dr. Will Potter, author of World Peace Diet.