Top 5 Vegan Eatery Picks of NYC; an interview with Dr. Armaiti May on vegan cats and dogs, and an interview with Lisa Hutcheon of the Small Rescue Animal Society.
Category: Podcasts
Will Potter: Activism is Not Terrorism
In light of the undercover investigation at the dairy facility in Chilliwack, and the announcement that Enbridge’s Northern Gateway has been approved, we thought it would be a good time to check in with acclaimed independent journalist, Will Potter (Green Is The New Red). We talk “eco-terrorism”, activist repression, ag-gag, drones, movement building, and more!
Darren Chang, DxE Convergence & Robert Grillo, Free from Harm
A Show for the Oceans
Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat, & Dogs in Hot Cars in the Summer
Empty the Tanks: Ending Captivity of Marine Mammals
Bird Brains. Barnivore.
Listen to this show right here! [display_podcast] Giving Chickens the Credit They Deserve: Chickens are Smart! In honour of International Respect for Chickens Month, it’s time to celebrate these fascinating feathered fowl and give them the credit they deserve. People often use the term “bird brain”…
Salmon Confidential: Standing Together Against Fish Farms
This shocking documentary by Twyla Roscovich tells the behind-the-scenes story of the biggest environmental government coverup ever perpetrated on British Columbians. When biologist Alexandra Morton discovers BC’s wild salmon are testing positive for dangerous European salmon viruses associated with salmon farming worldwide, a chain of events is set off by the government’s efforts to suppress the findings.
VXV: The Vegan Straight Edge Show
Ellie Laks, The Gentle Barn; & Respecting the Baby Chicks this Month
A feature interview with Ellie Laks, Founder of The Gentle Barn, plus an interview with Twyla François of Mercy for Animals Canada on the recent undercover chick hatchery investigation and a glimpse into the lives of baby chicks in the meat and egg industry.