A feature interview with author and PhD Casey Taft on Understanding Motivations for Change Towards the Animals.
Category: Podcasts
Mike Downey and Randy Kujawa: Vegan Warriors of Compassion and Plant-based Bodybuilders
We feature an interview with Randy Kujawa and Mike Downey, the vegan Warriors of Compassion, who are plant-powered bodybuilders! They just competed in the Popeye’s Fall Classic bodybuilding competition – find out all about it here!
Scientists’ Warning on Anthropogenic Climate Change, Local Entrepreneurs Creating Positive Change, and The Reality Of Animal Testing
Scientists offer second warning to humanity about our fate on Earth, and interviews with local entrepreneurs who are creating change on this. Also, interview with Last Chance For Animals undercover investigator.
Heaven is for Animals Too: Animal Ethics in Christianity, plus Advocacy and Vegan Traveling in Hawaii
Cassie King of Direct Action Everywhere
Open Rescue of Animals Documented and Exposed for the World to See
Dr. Michael Greger On Being Vegan To Prevent Or Reverse The 15 Leading Causes of Death in North Americans
Rise of the Necrofauna: Britt Wray on De-Extinction
Activist Profile: Oahu’s Kiana Mohika-Miyashiro
An inspirational journey from omnivore…to vegan…to animal rights activist on Oahu.
The Thanksgiving Show: Celebrating a Compassionate Holiday, and Turkey Stories from the Happy Herd Sanctuary
World Day for Farmed Animals: Understanding the Issues of Factory Farming on Both Land and in Sea
October 2nd is World Day for Farmed Animals. We feature an interview with Katie Cantrell of the Factory Farming Awareness Coalition, plus an interview with Sue Waters of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society on salmon farming issues. Also, we speak with Valley Calderoni, whose canine soulmate Kaoru was shot and killed by a trophy hunter 2 weeks ago.