Category: Podcasts

New Year’s Show: Go Vegan for 2019, with the Indian Rock Vegans, and the Story of a Christmas Miracle

Bring in the New Year by going vegan for 2019! We give tips and advice for embracing a sustainable vegan lifestyle, plus speak with Sheanne and Dan Moskaluk, the Indian Rock Vegans, about their vegan and activism stories. And they tell us about a Christmas miracle of 9 calves last week who were just rescued from the slaughter of the dairy industry.

100 Turkeys Saved from the Slaughter of Thanksgiving, and Amy Quichiz of Veggie Mijas

A feature interview on vegan intersectionality with Amy Quichiz of Veggie Mijas, plus an interview with Utah-based animal activist Amy Meyer, the first person ever prosecuted under an Ag-Gag law in the U.S., and one of the rescuers of 100 turkeys from a factory farm last weekend. Also, we discuss last week’s anti-fur march in Vancouver with local activist Meaghan Beattie.