Featuring an interview with San Francisco-based underground rapper Z-Man, who has an album in the works on human exploitation of nonhuman animals, plus an update from Bryce Casavant of Pacific Wild on the proposed escalation of the wolf cull in BC, and a discussion on the many animals exploited by the military-industrial complex.
Category: Podcasts
World Vegan Month Show: Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, The Joyful Vegan, on How to Stay Vegan in a World That Wants You to Eat Meat, Dairy and Eggs
Appreciation for our Avian Friends: Jacko the African Grey Parrot, and his human companion Adrianne Gauthier
Aph Ko on Speciesism as an Extension of White Supremacy
Interviews on Navigating School as an Animal Advocate, New York City’s Stance on Serving Processed Meats at School, and More
Angel Chen on the Global Climate Strike and 100 Debates for the Environment
VIFF 2019 Review : The Whale and The Raven
In this post, we have a review of the upcoming documentary, The Whale and The Raven. Vancouver International Film Festival is showing The Whale and The Raven at SFU Goldcorp on October 4th (9pm) and October 6th (4pm). It is a film directed by Mirjam Leuze on the plight of the whales and the Gitga’at First Nations protecting the waters they reside in. The Whale and The Raven also features whale researchers Janie Wray and Hermann Meuter of Cetacea Lab.
Hearts and Minds Transformed by The Game Changers Movie, and Happy Pig Stories
Brenda Sanders on Making Veganism Accessible to Black Communities and Using It to Help Overcome Race-Based Oppression
Featuring an interview with vegan food justice activist Brenda Sanders, founder and president of the Afro-Vegan Society. Also, a discussion on elephants and rhinos, as well as the various ways in which they are exploited and harmed by humans and how to resist this, to celebrate Elephant Appreciation Day and World Rhino Day.