Interviews with Adrian Nelson of The Fur Bearers on the fur industry, and Camille Labchuk, Animal Justice animal rights lawyer on the inadequacies of Canada’s animal welfare laws.
Author: Jen
Anita Krajnc Justifies Giving Water to Pigs, Exposes the Meat Industry
Bearing witness as an effective form of activism, and strengthening your conversations on veganism to help animals. Interviews with Toronto Pig Save’s Mary-Chris Staples and Anita Kranjc on this week’s horrific tragedy of a truck of pigs overturning on the road, and Anita’s court trial for feeding water to thirsty pigs enroute to slaughter.
Healing, Love and Second Chances for Humans and Animals at The Gentle Barn
The Cruelty of the Captivity Industry
Former Marineand Trainer Turned Whistler Blower, Phil Demers, and Vancouver’s Dr. Jeff Matthews, both Featured in The Documentary, Vancouver Aquarium Uncovered, Discuss Cruel Captivity.
Anita Krajnc’s Pig Trial and the Growing “Save Movement” for Farm Animals
A feature interview with Anita Kranjc, founder of Toronto Pig Save, on being charged with “mischief” for feeding water to thirsty pigs. Plus, the annual Pacific National Exhibition is back, with its annual (and traditional) animal exploitation.
Nathan Runkle, Mercy For Animals Founder and LBGTQ Activist Discusses Intersectionality, in Honour of Pride Week
Our annual Pride Show, featuring an interview about intersectionality with Nathan Runkle, Mercy For Animals Founder and LBGTQ Activist. Also, learn about vegan pet food options as an alternative to commercial brands.
Social Change Makers Society, Intersectionality, and Reporting Animal Abuse in our Agricultural Industry
How can we be inclusive and effective activists for all social issues? Social Change Makers aims to include all oppressed groups in their activism. Also, lawyer Anna Pippus educates us about effective ways to bear witness and report animal abuse.
Roy Sasano, Sea Shepherd Drone Pilot on Operation Milagro II, and the Effects of Fireworks on Animals
Meet Sea Shepherd volunteer Roy Sasano, who helped to rescue the world’s rarest and smallest cetacean, which is on the brink of extinction. Plus discover why silent fireworks can be a solution to animal suffering.