Featuring interviews with Tomi Makanjuola of The Vegan Nigerian and Nicci Wright of the African Pangolin Working Group.
Author: Elyse
A Horse of a Different Colour: Victoria, BC Activists Jordan Reichert and Rob Carruthers
New Year’s Special: Becoming an Activist, with Roy Sasano
One Struggle, One Fight: Human Rights and Animal Liberation
Rise of the Necrofauna: Britt Wray on De-Extinction
Invertebrates: The Invisible Majority
The Startling Intelligence of the Common Chicken
The Great Animal Orchestra: Sound and Animals
Love for Companion Animals and Justice for BC Grizzlies
Paws for Hope and Vegan Outreach
A feature interview with Jevranne Martel, the Canada Outreach Co-ordinator from Vegan Outreach. Plus an interview with Kathy Powelson of the Paws for Hope Animal Foundation on their “Roxy’s Relief” program to help companion animals and their guardians facing homelessness. Also, we discuss gentrification in Vancouver’s low-income areas, and how vegan businesses can help.