Featuring an extended coffee-table chat with violist and singer Tony Kastelic, as well as live performances from both Tony and our producer Elyse Jacobson. Tony and Elyse discuss being among the first musicians in Canada to use Coruss bow hair, a high-tech professional-grade synthetic hair for bowed string instruments.
Author: Elyse
Vegan Rapper Z-Man on His Forthcoming Animal-Rights-Themed Album
Featuring an interview with San Francisco-based underground rapper Z-Man, who has an album in the works on human exploitation of nonhuman animals, plus an update from Bryce Casavant of Pacific Wild on the proposed escalation of the wolf cull in BC, and a discussion on the many animals exploited by the military-industrial complex.
Aph Ko on Speciesism as an Extension of White Supremacy
Brenda Sanders on Making Veganism Accessible to Black Communities and Using It to Help Overcome Race-Based Oppression
Featuring an interview with vegan food justice activist Brenda Sanders, founder and president of the Afro-Vegan Society. Also, a discussion on elephants and rhinos, as well as the various ways in which they are exploited and harmed by humans and how to resist this, to celebrate Elephant Appreciation Day and World Rhino Day.