Author: Alison Cole

World Vegan Month, with Sandra Nomoto, and Helping Women and Companion Animals in Crisis, with Amy Morris of the Vancouver Humane Society

A feature interview with local social influencer Sandra Nomoto on why to go vegan and stay vegan, for World Vegan Month! Plus, an interview with Vancouver Humane Society’s Amy Morris on their campaign to help women and their companion animals escape homelessness.

Plant-Based Cheese Maker Stephanos Liapis of Pulse Kitchen, and Peter Fricker of Vancouver Humane Society on Banning Horse-Drawn Trolleys in Stanley Park

A feature interview with co-founder Stephanos Liapis of BC vegan-cheese making company Pulse Kitchen. Plus, an interview with Peter Fricker of the Vancouver Humane Society on the efforts to ban horse-drawn trolleys in Stanley Park.

Being Food Resourceful During Pandemic Times: Growing Your Own Produce, and Vegan Pantry Cooking with Brigitte Gemme

Sustaining ourselves with food during pandemic times: A feature interview with vegan food consultant Brigitte Gemme, of Vegan Family Kitchen, on best practises for pantry cooking. Plus, guest co-host Grace Wampold presents a segment on being resourceful in growing your own food, even if you don’t have garden space!