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Welcome to our New Year’s show, which is dedicated to taking on the resolution of going vegan for 2019, for the animals, your health, and the planet!
Tips and Advice on Going Vegan for 2019
To start the show, Alison’s sister Leanna joins us again and, from a combined 40 years of experience of living the veg lifestyle, we share a multitude of tips and advice that we have garnered and used over the years. It has never been easier to go vegan than now, and there are so many resources available to new vegans and the vegan community! Studies show that most people who stop eating meat go back to eating meat a short time afterwards. This is, unfortunately, because lack of social support and social pressures.
In this segment, we give advice on:
- building a community of support by sharing the vegan lifestyle with like-minded people, whether it be online or in your city
- how to build a solid “repertoire” or plan of how to eat vegan with friends and family, at work and while traveling. Be prepared, like you would for any other situation in life, and live as a joyful and satisfied vegan.
- how to keep educating yourself along the vegan path. This is a journey and there is always more to learn, for the benefit of growing yourself as a person, and for all those in your environment.
- how to use online resources and be accountable. How about taking the pledge for Veganuary? (there is still time!) There are also a number of other online resources and “challenges” that you can sign up for, and they are all FREE!
- Veganuary (go vegan for 30 days in January)
- 22 Day Vegan Challenge
- 21 Day Kickstart Program
- Plant Milk Challenge (starting January 10th)
- how to be an advocate not just by adopting a vegan diet, but for the the animals and the planet, who need to speak voices and speak the truth.
Sheanne and Dan Moskaluk, Indian Rock Vegans, on their vegan transformation story, and the Christmas miracle of 9 rescued calves from the dairy industry
Sheanne and Dan Moskaluk, the Indian Rock Vegans
For our feature interview, we speak with Sheanne and Dan Moskaluk. They are two vegan animal rights activists and plant-based health advocates known as the Indian Rock Vegans, and they are joining us today from their home in the Okanagan Valley of Naramata, BC. They have an amazing vegan transformation story to tell, and not only that, advice for going vegan for 2019, and stories of how they advocate for animals.
Just a few weeks ago, there was a Christmas miracle that happened. 9 baby calves were surrendered by the dairy industry from a farm in Abbotsford, BC, where they would have otherwise been sent to slaughter. Three of these beautiful babies have been transported to Critteraid sanctuary in the Okanagan, where Sheanne has been volunteering to care for them, and they tell us more about this story and about how the baby calves are doing now.
You can watch a beautiful video that Sheanne and Dan made last week on the JaneUnchained channel about the 3 calves who are at Critteraid sanctuary now: