The 2015 Animal Rights National Conference Report Show

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In this specially-themed show, we discuss, review and play interviews and audio clips from the 2015 Animal Rights National Conference, which took place this year from July 30 – August 2nd in Alexandria, VA (near Washington, DC).

To start the show, we welcome guest co-host Elyse Jacobsen back. She shares with us her experiences at the recent Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) and Collectively Free protest at a local Starbucks that took place to denounce the violence and exploitation behind the beverages they sell.


Review and Impressions of AR 2015

With special in-studio guest, Leanna Pickard (Alison’s sister), we share our impressions of this year’s Animal Rights National Conference, hosted by FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement), which featured a record-breaking 1650 attendees and over 150 speakers representing almost every viewpoint of the animal rights movement. We share some of the personal highlights from this year’s event, and speak about the value and memories we took with us to add to our knowledge, networking contacts and activism in the future.

FARM’s official report of the conference, which includes lots of good info, can be found here.


A Mish Mash of Highlights from AR 2015


Jane Velez-Mitchell and Alison

Journalist, broadcaster and fervent voice for the animals Jane Velez-Mitchell was a presenter at the conference, and we bring you a short interview that Alison did with her in which she speaks about the work she does at to bring animal rights news coverage to the masses.

Robert Atcheson

Robert Atcheson and Alison

The week prior to the conference, Alison was so impressed to read this article in the USA Today newspaper entitled: “Real Men Don’t Eat Meat” by former Marine Corps member and police captain Robert Atcheson, in which he tells his story of how he transitioned to a vegan diet late in life, despite the obstacles that came from his surrounding environment. Robert was an attendee at the conference, and Alison was honoured to meet him and capture a short interview with him in which he speaks about masculinity and veganism.

To highlight just a smattering of the 100+ talks that were presented at the conference, we play four clips from various presentations: eco-feminist scholar pattrice jones on Speciesism and Intersectionality; DxE acivist Missy Freeland on Community Building in Our Movement; In Defense of Animals’ Dallas Rising on The Power of Language and Framing; and Mercy for Animals’ Nathan Runkle’s inspiring closing words at the closing ceremony.

Also, look forward to hearing a variety of participants’ testimonials throughout, speaking about the work they do for the animals and the highlights of the conference for them!

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