World Day for Laboratory Animals

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We start off the show with a discussion with our co-host Darren Chang about his experience in the past working with rats in a laboratory, and what he learned from these amazing individuals.

Darren Chang’s presentation about solidarity with lab rats:

Dr. Carol Glasser, Progress for Science

Dr. Carol Glasser is a co-founder and co-organizer with the anti-vivisection group Progress for Science, which opposes all uses of nonhuman animals in experiments and is currently focused on ending experiments on nonhuman primates in the public university system. She is also an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Her research examines social movements, critical animal studies, and gender inequality. Her work—both in the academy and in the streets—is committed to creating a more egalitarian world.

Carol joins us today to speak about her work with Progress for Science, their ongoing campaign, World Week for Lab Animals, and more.







Dr. Laura Janara

lauraLaura Janara (Ph.D. Minnesota) is a political theorist, and UBC professor, who works through historical texts of Western political thought, especially early modern and modern, and through contemporary critical social and political theory.  Her work is historically grounded, and attends to: language and symbolism as terrains of politics; gender and other axes of identity-based power and the constitution of subjectivity; nonhuman life and questions about nonhuman animals, plants and seeds against the backdrop of capitalism, democracy and colonialism. She has also been heavily involved in advocating against animal use in research. She joins us on the show to share with us her wealth of knowledge about the failing ethics of animal research.








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