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Since Sunday, March 8 is International Women’s Day, we have a discussion about the exploitation of female bodies that takes place in animal abuse industries. Everyday Feminism has this great article noting the connections between animal rights and feminism.
Wayne Hsuing, Direct Action Everywhere
Wayne Hsuing is the co-founder of international animal liberation activist network Direct Action Everywhere, or DXE. Wayne joins us in studio today to speak about the recently released video of an open rescue that took place at a Whole Foods egg supplier.
Ashley Maier, Feminism and Animal Rights
Ashley Maier is a contributing author to Lantern Book’s 2013 Defiant Daughters: 21 Women on Art, Activism, Animals, and The Sexual Politics of Meat. She also works for a statewide sexual assault coalition, conducting national training and technical assistance on the prevention of gendered violence.
Ashley frequently speaks on addressing and preventing gendered violence and connecting the dots between human, animal, and environmental well-being. She also founded Project Intersect, a zine that looks at intersectional oppression (human, nonhuman, and environmental) and eco-feminist issues.
Since it is International Women’s Day on March 8th, we share an interview from back in 2014, done by Jenni Rempel, on the connection between women’s issues and animal rights. This interview also covers issues of sexual assault within activist communities and how to deal with problematic people, and support survivors.