International Animal Rights Conference 2014 — Highlights


Listen to this show right here!




Tim and I are currently in Europe and we were happy to be able to attend the 4th annual International Animal Rights Conference.

The goal of the conference was to provide a truly international platform for people active in the animal rights movement and those interested in learning more. The conference had a balance between theory, discussion of practice, and networking opportunities.

We spoke with one of the organizers and some of the attendees and presenters and asked them to share their impressions of the conference. On today’s show, we share some of our favourite short excerpts from the various presentations, both practical and theoretical. We feature clips from Lisa Kemmerer, Alfie Moon, Ivora Cusack, Kristina Mering, Jake Conroyand Friedrich Mülln.

Personally, I felt especially drawn to the presenters who focused on feminism and how it intersects with nonhuman animal advocacy and I’ll be dedicating another show specifically featuring these  topics/speakers later this year.


Featured Artist: TES

Tes is a vegan musician and activist who spends her time between The Netherlands and Hungary.
This is her song Silent Massacre from the album Compassion is Terrorism.


Visit Vegan Kanal to find footage from this year’s conference and from the years previous.

Here are some of the talks that we featured on the show today.


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