Amanda Strombom & Stewart Rose, Say No to Meat – The 411 on Ditching Meat and Going Veg; and Feminism & Speciesism: Exploitation of the Female Reproductive System

To start this episode, we recap the ever-so-successful Animal Voices Compassionate Thanksgiving Potluck and Clothing event swap that we hosted last week. 140 like-minded compassionate, animal-loving community members came together to share a delicious (and abundant!) meal without the cruelty, and it was a time (hopefully) enjoyed by all. Thank you once again to all of the event volunteers and to our co-sponsors Turtle Island Foods, STOP UBC Animal Research, Earthsave Canada, and Liberation BC, who helped made this event a huge success. For all the official photos of the event, please visit here.

Next, Alissa and Tara share their experiences at the Vancouver Walk For Farm Animals last weekend, which is one of Vancouver’s most greatly attended yearly animal rights events. $12,000 was raised this year for the animals at Farm Sanctuary (a record for Vancouver!), with an attendance of 75 compassionate walkers, making their voice known for the voiceless.

Vancouver Co-operative Radio Membership Drive

It’s that time of the year again – we are admist Vancouver Co-operative Radio’s bi-annual membership drive, where, at this time, we are asking you, our listeners, to please support the work we do at Animal Voices radio, and make a pledge to keep our show on the air. Animal Voices (and Vancouver Co-operative Radio) is a non-profit charitable organization that is volunteer run and listener supported.

If you appreciate the work that we do here every week at Animal Voices to bring you original, quality programming on the topics of current animal issues and the vegan lifestyle, please show us your support by making a donation to us at Animal Voices at Co-op radio, because we DO rely on your donations to keep this show on the air! To make a donation of $5, $10, $20 or whatever you can afford, simply go to and click on “Donate Now!” And remember to indicate on your donation that it’s going towards Animal Voices. And if you’re in Canada and make a donation of at least $25, your donations ARE tax deductible! Every little bit helps, so we thank you for your assistance!

Feminism & Speciesism: Exploitation of the Female Reproductive System

In animal agriculture, the miracle of motherhood is co-opted and perverted; female cows, pigs and chickens are seen as nothing more than reproductive machines. Alissa presents this segment and highlights the issue of gestation crates, “rape racks”, the dairy industry, and the interruption of the powerful mother/young bond. We discusse intersectional oppression and explore how feminism is inextricably linked with animal rights.

Amanda Strombom & Stewart Rose, Say No to Meat – The 411 on Ditching Meat and Going Veg

Our feature interview is with Amanda Strombom and Stewart Rose. They are the authors of a new book giving you practical guidance on how to go vegetarian, called “Say No to Meat: The 411 on Ditching Meat and Going Veg”. Amanda and Stewart come to us from just across the border in Seattle, Washingon, where they are both actively involved with the Vegetarians of Washington non-profit organization, which organizes the fantastic yearly Seattle Vegfest, among many other events. Amanda is the president of Vegetarians of Washington and has been for the last 10 years, and Stewart is the Vice-President.

Both long-time vegetarians, Amanda and Stewart’s advice in this book provides valuable information on key issues and explains why going veg is a fun, smart and delicious choice.

Download this episode.

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