Jodey Castricano, Critical Animal Studies, & Top AR Film Recommendations – Part I

In this episode, we start the show with Alison giving a review of Vancouver’s brand new all vegan pizza joint Vegan Pizza House, which she visited yesterday after a very successful Shoe Swap event at the new eco-friendly (and vegan) shoe store Nice Shoes. It was a very animal-friendly evening of events, indeed!

Top Animal Rights Film Recommendations – Part I

Local activist Denise Swanson presents a segment of some of her Top Animal Rights Film Recommendations,which include The Emotional World of Farm Animals, A Cow At My Table, and Mad Cowboy. Denise is the organizer of an exciting Vancouver summer film series called Focus on Food, which will be running from June 1st until the end of the summer at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver each Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Each film showing will follow the brand new Oak Street Farmers Market, to take place in the parking lot of the church every Wednesday from 3-7pm.

The schedule for the screenings of the aforementioned films is as follows:

  • June 8 – The Emotional World of Farm Animals (Focus on Farmed Animals)
  • June 15 – A Cow At My Table (Focus on Animal Agribusiness)
  • June 22 – Mad Cowboy (Focus on Food Safety)

The schedule for the rest of the film series will be available on the website of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver. If you can’t attend the film series, the three films can be viewed for free, respectively, here, here and here.

Dr. Jodey Castricano, a course in Posthumanism and Critical Animal Studies

Today’s feature interview is with Dr. Jodey Castricano, who is a professor in the department of Critical Studies at the University of British Columbia-Okanagan in Kelowna, BC. Jodey has recently developed a new course that she teaches at UBC-O called Posthumanism and Critical Animal Studies, which explores “the question of the animal” and the “ethical turn” towards this question by providing an introduction to historical and contemporary concerns regarding the treatment of non-human animals and exploring our ethical responsibilities towards them. She is also the editor of a published anthology called “Animal Subjects: An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World”.

We have Jodey on the show today to tell us about this unique new course, which impressively includes a midterm of reviewing the film Earthlings and writing a paper and making an oral class presentation on it.

Download this episode. (starts 1 min 9 sec. in)

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