Campaigns Against the Cruelty to Animals About the Canadian Seal Hunt, Seattle VegFest Preview

Ericka from CATCA (Campaigns Against the Cruelty to Animals) talks to us about the Canadian Seal Hunt – the history, where it is currently, and what we can do to help put an end to this brutal massacre. CATCA teams up with HOPE-CARE (Heal Our Planet Earth and Compassion for Animals Road Expeditions, headed by activist Anthony Marr) on March 26th for a Motorcade for the Seals from Vancouver to Whistler to bring a visual to Canadians and the world to help them see just how huge the death toll really is.

Also featured on the show – Alison starts us off with emergency preparedness tips for you and your companion animals to help deal with natural disasters such as the recent tsunami in Japan, and all three co-hosts – Alissa, Alison and Carissa look forward to Seattle VegFest on March 26th.

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