Vegan Triathlete Dominick Thompson and Former MFA Undercover Investigator Geoff Regier

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Making Gains Without Sacrificing  Compassion

Dominick 3

Dominick Thompson, powered by plants.

Dominick Thompson is an inspiration to high performance athletes as well as vegan animal rights advocates. Originally from Chicago, and now living and working as a healthcare executive in New York, this vegan Ironman athlete and animal rights activist is changing the way we think about food and the animals who needlessly suffer for our selfish desires.

Become inspired by Dominick’s weekly training schedule which includes cycling, swimming, running, calisthenics, boxing, cross-fit, cross-training, weight and power-lifting. He also competes year round in 10-12 endurance races per year, including marathons, triathlons, and ultra-races, publicly speaks out against speciesism, and is the founder of Crazies and Weirdos, a successful New York based start-up company that produces hip, sustainable, eco-friendly clothing dedicated to the animal rights movement.

Dom has received global recognition and has been featured in NPR News, ABC News, Men’s Muscle and Fitness Magazine, Esquire, Thrive Magazine, Origins Magazine, PETA and more. His social media platform is strong and continues to grow while producing some of the most inspiring, impactful content to over 150,000 followers. Tune in to learn how he fuels his body, what his training schedule is like and how he makes time for activism  (including the June 10th event “Vancouver March To Close All Slaughterhouses” where he will be a guest speaker).


Former Undercover Investigator Geoff Regier Exposes Ag-Industry Cruelty

TV outreach

Geoff Regier hugs a woman who just committed to veganism after seeing his factory farming videos.

At the age of 29, Geoff Regier signed up to be an undercover investigator with Mercy For Animals Canada. His work would take him across the country and into facilities where animals are being raised and slaughtered in what can only be described as a nightmare from the day they are born until they meet their gruesome, frightening fate.

Since his retirement from investigations, Geoff has been volunteering full-time as an animal rights activist, including his “TV Outreach For Animals” program, where he brings undercover footage of modern farms to the public via his portable TV/sound system which displays around Vancouver’s busy pedestrian areas, hands out leaflets and engages in thought-provoking discussions with non-vegans. Geoff offers a wealth of knowledge on the realities of modern farming and how easy it is to transition to a compassionate lifestyle.












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