Vegan Stories, Thanksgiving Activism, and more!


Caroline’s card – you can make one, too!

Listen to this show here!


To start the show, Caroline tells us about her latest vegan/animal rights outreach initiative, in which she has printed up hundreds of personal “business cards”, to hand out to people when she is out in the world and having conversations in her day-to-day life.

These business cards have all the vital videos and weblinks needed to “vegucate” an individual, and she tells us all about this and how you can do the same. Such a great idea, effective, and easy to do!

Berni Huber, Social Change Makers, on Thanksgiving Activism

thanksgiving_brochureBerni Huber, one half of the duo of the local group Social Change Makers, joins us to tell us about their current initiative to print up 10,000 animal rights brochures to distribute over the upcoming holidays.

This summer, they created a flyer titled “Animal Friends” which were distributed to over 2000 people at two events. Thanksgiving and winters holidays are coming up and they find it very important that people are made aware about their traditions and consumer behaviour at a time where everybody sits down to celebrate love, compassion and peace

Their Kickstarter fundraising campaign for this project can be found here.

Also, check up their upcoming leafletting and “Earthlings Experience” event this weekend on Facebook here!


Vegan Stories: Sinéad Sanders and Shawna Smith

Sinéad Sanders (l) and Shawna Smith (r).

Sinéad Sanders and Shawna Smith.

It’s always inspiring to learn the pathways that different people have taken in their lives to get to the place where they are living a life of compassion, for the animals and for the planet. These stories can really resonate with us on a personal level, and we can relate, because – hey!, you’re not alone, and some of our experiences can really be similar as we are all humans here living life and we may have similar situations and challenges facing us that others may go through as well in the journey towards compassionate living.

In this segment, our two new guest co-hosts, Sinéad Sanders and Shawna Smith, share with us their “vegan stories” – the journeys they went through to discover living a life of compassion towards all beings.

Also, we discuss the new (similarly-themed) documentary that came out earlier this year called “Vegan: Everyday Stories“. This film profiles several people and tells their stories of their vegan paths as well.

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