Save the Frogs and the Seals: an interview with Dr. Kerry Kriger from Save the Frogs, and a feature interview with Sheryl Fink of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, giving an update on the Canadian seal slaughter for 2016. Plus, a review of Vancouver Veg Expo, and May 4th is International Respect for Chickens Day!
Month: April 2016
Changing Laws for the Animals: The Modernizing Animal Protections Act, and Declaring All Animals As Sentient Beings in New Zealand
The Verdict is in for “Vancouver Aquarium Uncovered”, and Dr. Michael Greger on “Being a vegetarian could kill you”!
The Dairy Show: The Myths and Realities of the Dairy Industry, and Dairy-Free Living
The Dairy Show: A feature interview with author Élise Desaulniers on The Myths and Realities of the Dairy Industry, plus Brigitte Gemme speaks about Dairy-Free Living. Also, we discuss a petition to get Lisa Simpson to go vegan!