Feature interview with Sorelle Saidman of Rabbitats, as well as discussion of a recent study on the benefits of vegan diets to the environment and human health.
Month: March 2016
The Meatout Show: GoVeg.ca, Meatless Mondays, and a Q&A with Paul Shapiro, Vice-President of Farm Animal Protection, HSUS
The Meatout Show: Paul Shapiro, Vice President of Farm Animal Protection of the HSUS gives the latest updates on the animal agriculture industry and the trend towards eating more plant-based foods, plus Emily Pickett of the Vancouver Humane Society speaks on their Go Veg and Meatless Mondays campaigns. Meatout Day is March 20, World Water Day is March 22 and National Puppy Day is March 23!
RASTA Sanctuary: A Permanent Refuge for Abandoned and Abused Animals; and Why Eating Animals is Political
A feature interview with Lucie Cerny, founder of RASTA Sanctuary, a permanent refuge for abandoned and abused animals; and an interview with activist Bec Wonders on Why Eating Animals is Political. Plus, March 14th is Save A Spider Day!