Gender and Sexual Diversity Amongst Animals and Trickle Up Queer / Animal Activism

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Joan Roughgarden, Evolution’s Rainbow and Ram-2050

Joan Roughgarden is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist. She is well known for her theistic evolutionism and critical studies on Charles Darwin’s theory of sexual selection. Her book Evolution’s Rainbow exemplifies a lot of these critical studies. She also released her first novel, earlier this year, called Ram-2050.

We speak with Joan about the important topics related to gender and sexuality in animals other than us. Gender and sexual diversity is found in so many animal species, not only humans, and Joan describes this diversity in animals as the “rainbows” in our world. In her book, she says that diversity can be seen as a positive trait, rather than a negative, as many other biologists might see it. Joan systematically dismantles Darwin’s theory of sexual selection throughout the book and consistently reinforces the facts of animal awareness and autonomy. I highly recommend this book to all who are interested in any of these topics, or have scientific curiousity.

We also chat about Ram-2050 and what it shares about our future, and how animal-human dynamics can evolve.

Joan leading a TedTalk about sexual and gender diversity in animals.

Hana Low

Hana Low is a queer, non-binary femme of color living and loving in Denver, CO. A self-described “molecular sociologist”, they are interested in how structural violence impacts folks’ well-being and quality of life from the macro down to the cellular level. They envision a queer paradise in which all beings are safe, happy, and free. They work to abolish human and nonhuman cages while building effective and sustainable alternatives. They are proud to call Survivors Organizing for Liberation (SOL), Black & Pink, and Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) their organizing and activist family.

We have Hana join us on the show to speak about their talk, “trickle up” activism, autonomy, and ways we can all be more inclusive.

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