Resistance Ecology and Animal Housing

May is International Respect for Chickens Month, and our feathered friends certainly deserve more respect and appreciation than they get. We discuss the disconnect between humans’ views of chickens as food vs. chickens as feeling beings with emotional desires and needs, and Alison shares some amazing facts about chickens that you probably didn’t know.

Jean Hebert, Residential Tenancy Act Petition

In BC, there are no laws in place preventing landlords from rejecting a tenant based on them sharing their lives with companion animals. What this means is many humans are often struggling to find a place to live that accepts their animal friends, breaking the contracts they sign and facing eviction, or the animals are abandoned at animal shelters. Local animal advocate, Jean Hebert, recognized this injustice and has started an online petition to change the Residential Tenancy Act to no longer allow landlords to discriminate against tenants on the basis of their companion animals. He joins us on the show to discuss this discrimination, how it harms animals, and what he hopes this petition will change.

Justin Kay and Haley White, Resistance Ecology Conference

10476151_659047524214870_8443699489042663677_oThe 3rd annual Resistance Ecology Conference will be taking place in just a few weeks, from June 12-14, in Portland, Oregon. This conference works to build bridges between animal liberation, earth liberation, and other social justice struggles. Organizers Justin Kay and Haley White join us on the show to speak all about Resistance Ecology and its evolution.

Write up from the Facebook event page:

For two years, the Resistance Ecology Conference has served as a beacon on the path to grassroots animal liberation. We aspire to create a forum to unite animal liberationists, land defenders, and organizers to share skill sets and resources, to report and recruit, to coordinate campaigns, and to promote solidarity, coalition organizing and mass movement building against the structures that underpin animal use and ecological destruction on the continent— Euro-settler colonialism, white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, neoliberalism, and border imperialism.

We challenge the professionalization, corporate assimilation, consumer-orientation, and one-dimensional analysis of the so-called animal “rights” movement in the west that is founded in positions of social power and is made possible through colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchy. The goal of the conference is to identify these analytical and structural barriers within the animal liberation movement as barriers that prevent us from creating the radical analysis, solidarity, and mass movement necessary to affect meaningful change for animals.

Speaker line-up: A. Breeze Harper – Editor of Sistah Vegan: Black Female Vegans Speak On Food, Identity, Health, and Society / Organizer of the “Vegan Praxis of Black Lives Matter” conference.
Ahmad Safi – Activist with Palestinian Animal League
Mai Farsakh – Activist with Palestinian Animal League
Amanda Lickers — Member of the Turtle Clan, Seneca (Onondowa’ga) nation of the Haudenosaunee confederacy, curator of Reclaim Turtle Island
Bina Ahmad – Public Defender with the Legal Aid Society of New York and Vice President of the National Lawyer’s Guild.
Dini Ze Toghestiy – Hereditary chief of the Wet’suwet’en nation, organizer for Unist’ot’en Camp
Dylan Powell – Organizer of Marineland Animal Defense / Author
Eric McDavid – Sacramento Prisoner Support / Former political prisoner
Freda Huson – Spokesperson and organizer for the Unist’ot’en Camp
George Guimaraes – Founder and president of VEDDAS (Ethical Vegetarianism, Animal Rights Defense and Society) in Brazil
Jake Conroy – Organizer with Animal Defense League San Francisco / Former SHAC 7
Jacqueline Morr – Project Intersect / Author / Educator / Activist
Jonathan Paul – Longtime earth and animal liberation activist / Former Operation Backfire political prisoner
lauren Ornelas – Founder and executive Director of Food Empowerment Project / Longtime activist
Lauren Regan – Founder and executive director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center (CLDC)
Ryan Shapiro – Longtime animal rights activist / MIT doctoral candidate researching the use of the rhetoric and apparatus of national security to marginalize animal protectionists
scott crow – Anarchist organizer, speaker and writer / Longtime activist
Tommy Knowles – Organizer with Wildlife Defence League, a BC-based hunt sabotage group doing indigenous solidarity
Victor Puertas – Member of the Yagua nation, Anti-colonial land defender and organizer of Utah Tar Sands Resistance, Peaceful Uprising, and moderator of Reclaim Turtle Island.

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