Dissecting Vivisection: Dr. Ray Greek of Americans for Medical Advancement and Nicole Green of the American Anti-Vivisection Society


A vivisection training manual found at an old laboratory. 2008. Photo Credit: JoAnne McArthur of http://www.weanimals.org

A vivisection training manual found at an old laboratory. 2008. Photo Credit: JoAnne McArthur of www.WeAnimals.org

This show features an interview with Dr. Ray Greek of the Americans for Medical Advancement (AFMA). Dr. Greek is from the (AMFA) Americans for Medical Advancement organization and will be speaking about why the use of animals in medical research is inappropriate. Later in the show we are be joined by Nicole Green from the American Anti-Vivisection Society to talk about dissection and the use of animals in education.

To start the show, Jackie fill us in about her recent trip to the Portland Veg Fest and Cynthia talks about vegan cruising!

Closing the show you can hear Jenni’s band, Hello, Harmless, premiere their demo of their song “Biology”.

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Want more info on animals used in education? Check out our interview with Dr. Olivier Berreville of the International Network for Humane Education.

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