Here’s this week’s podcast!
This show starts with a discussion about wild animals in captivity, and a few of the reasons why this may not be the ideal place for them to live.
Gabriela Cowperthwaite, director of “Blackfish” ![](
We share an interview with Gabriela Cowperthwaite, director of the highly anticipated film, Blackfish, about an orca kept in captivity named Tilikum. Blackfish shows the often devastating consequences of keeping such highly intelligent and emotionally advanced animals in captivity. It also goes into the very shady side of the Aquapark industry, highlighting deaths and injuries to trainers and the many attempts to obscure the truth.
Blackfish is playing at Vancity theatre in Vancouver August 2-11, 16-17, 2013. Click here for more info and tickets.
No Whales In Captivity
We speak with Annelise Sorg of the local animal rights organization – No Whales in Captivity. Since 1992, NWIC has been working towards ending the captivity of whales and other cetaceans, and was instrumental in getting the orcas out of the Vancouver Aquarium in 2001.
We discuss the suffering that cetaceans undergo in captivity, as well as chat about the upcoming international Empty the Tanks day.
3 comments for “Whales in Captivity Show: “Blackfish” director Gabriela Cowperthwaite, and Annelise Sorg of No Whales in Captivity”