Here’s this week’s show!
At the beginning of the show, Alison addresses a question from a listener with regards to last week’s show on considering ethical veganism as a human right in the eyes of the law. This listener is residing in a care home as has had his requests for vegan meals denied.
Leah Lemieux, Rekindling the Waters: The Truth About Swimming With Dolphins
Our first interview is a re-broadcast with whale and dolphin advocate Leah Lemieux. She is an author and lecturer who has been working on dolphin protection, education and conservation initiatives for twenty years, collaborating with individuals and NGOs from a number of countries, including the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots & Shoots Environmental and Humanitarian program. In 2009, she published a book of her years of personal experiences with dolphins entitled “Rekindling the Waters: The Truth About Swimming with Dolphins”, which exposes the harsh realities of the lives that dolphins in captivity face, always to their detriment and often to their demise.
Leah speaks with us about what her experiences have taught her about dolphins and the captive dolphin industry. You can see Leah speak about about Canada’s dirty ties to captive dolphin industry here, and find out some facts that may shock you:
Nick Cooney, Change of Heart: What Psychology Can Teach Us About Spreading Social Change
Our 2nd interview is a re-broadcast with author and activist Nick Cooney. Nick is the founder of the animal advocacy organization The Humane League, and currently works as the Compassionate Communities Manager at the non-profit organization Farm Sanctuary. His advocacy work has been featured in hundreds of media outlets including Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and National Public Radio. Nick holds a degree in Non-Violence Studies from HofstraUniversityand formerly worked conducting nutrition education programs with the Universityof Pennsylvania’s Urban Nutrition Initiative.
He is also the author of a recent book called “Change of Heart: What Psychology Can Teach Us About Spreading Social Change”, and he speaks with us about some of the many points of interest discussed and explored in this book to help us understand more about how the human mind works so that we may be empowered to use this knowledge to help the animals.
Please check out this video where Nick talks about one of the many subjects discussed in his book: mental barriers in people that prevent change: