Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr book review and Animal Birth Control with Pulin Modi from PETA.
Month: February 2011
Jason Hribal, The Hidden History of Animal Resistance, and Nathan Runkle, “Farm to Fridge”
A review of the Rose Pedals Vegan Weddings website, an interview with Mercy for Animals’ Executive Director Nathan Runkle on their new animal advocacy film “Farm to Fridge”, and a feature interview with Jason Hribal, author of the new book “Fear of the Animal Planet: The Hidden History of Animal Resistance”.
Dancing Bears in India, and New Codes of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farm Animals in Canada
A review of the vegan Oprah show this week, an interview with Geoff Urton of the BCSPCA on the New Codes of Practice for the Handling and Care of Farm Animals in Canada, and a feature interview with Neil D’Cruze of WSPA on the dancing bear trade in India.